Thursday, March 23, 2006

Famous Quotes

Well, my husband has been on the verge of nagging me to blog, so here I am! Usually, my excuse is being so tired from teaching 24 6 and 7-year-olds all day. They wear me out! So, my new (and hopefully repeating) update will be famous quotes from my students. They can come up with some great things sometimes! Here is one recent story from a student who started out as my most challenging and has grown so much in his behavior control, that he's become one of my favorite students to be around and talk to. He and another student were joking around with me as they were waiting for their buses, saying they wanted me to give them money for a drink. After, of course, telling them no, they joked they would steal it from my purse. I told them that people who steal have to go to jail and then they couldn't fulfill their dreams, namely professional football and basketball. Well, one of them quickly replies, "My mom works at the prison and when I go there, I see them playing basketball all the time!" HA! I laughed so hard and informed him that they don't get paid quite the same. He said, "The lunch lady does." My response, "Do you want to go to prison just to play basketball?" Student: "I'd be close to my mom!" (His mom is a nurse at the prison in Charlotte.) Such the sweet words from a boy whose favorite woman is still his mom!
So, that's the famous quote for today. More to come soon! However, I did just begin Spring Break! I'm convinced God created Spring Break! I need it!!


Donna said...

Hi to both of you! I took time to catch up on reading your blog notes--keep up the good work!! I am praying for you as you face days of transition. Glad to hear of the new opportunity you are having with the kids just now, Dee.

We are busy getting ready to move, probably April 29. The closing on my house is May 1 but we can move into the new mobile home before then. We will greatly miss everyone here but we are excited at the new opportunities before us. My last day at work will be April 18.

Blessings on both of you and do come and visit us when we get settled.

In His love,


Nicole said...

LOL! I would have laughed really loud, but I didn't want to wake up Emma!

Stacey, I'm so glad you're blogging!! I can't wait to read about more quotes...and other news! :)

Unknown said...

Ha! They have an answer for everything, don't they??!!

I heard a rumor...(ahem)