Well, we had a bit of an adventure this week in our house. As some of you know, I have been nesting in a major way for quite some time getting everything ready for Karis, I have had wonderful help from friends and my mom cleaning and getting everything we need/want for her. So, I have felt very restful and peaceful about the house...until this week. My husband had a great plan to get even more help! Maybe he didn't think it was clean enough around here, so here's what he did...
He has been making the last finishing touches on the tile job from the summer. Unknown to us, the edges of the tile where it meets the carpet have to be perfectly straight and cleaned up in order the carpet to be tacked properly. So...with no other option, he cut the edges of the tile and cleaned up the morter. So, now the tile looks great and we are able to really finish it off. Oh, wait, then there's the rest of the house. Cutting ceramic tile does create quite a cloud of dust...everywhere! He had 4 places to cut in the foyer, living room, kitchen, and bath, so basically every square inch of the house from ceiling to floor in EVERY room (yes, the nursery too) was COVERED in tile dust. So, Wednesday night, I made some calls to the troops to come in and help clean/dust the house. So, three precious friends, Christy, Dana, and Ali came in at different times from morning to night and helped. They dusted the walls from top to bottom. Every surface and item in our house was touched. All fabrics, blankets, sheets, towels, clothes, pillows, stuffed animals, were washed. All furniture and curtains were vacuumed. Every surface in the entire house was wiped down. Floors were swept and mopped multiple times. Blinds were cleaned multiple times. Every item in every room was picked up and cleaned. EVERYTHING was cleaned. So, basically our house is cleaner than it ever has been right now and I feel even better about it :) Dee said at the end of the day when all the furniture was being put back into place and our last help was leaving around 9pm, "Wasn't that a good plan, honey? I messed up the whole house and now it's ALL clean!"
How wonderful of my husband to serve me like that. See, he understands my nesting finally and knows how clean I need things and he knows I need help right now. What an amazing way to make it all happen! ;)