Thursday, April 17, 2008


I had a very special reunion a few weeks ago that I haven't shared yet. When I was on staff with Campus Outreach, I had the privilege to be in the lives of 8 very special women. They were all college-age, some taking classes part-time or full-time, all working and figuring out life for the future. Most of us lived in a house dubbed, "The Swan Dive" in Matthews. Can you imagine a 4 bedroom house with 6 girls? Yes, it was adventurous... it was intense... it was a lot of fun! I miss those days and the time I had with them. I could tell so much about each girl and their heart and their journey with the Lord and all our journey's with each other. Those years were a HUGE growing time for all of us about relationships, communication, conflict, and forgiveness. (They're laughing if they're reading this.) It was so good to get together and share about old times and catch up about new times. There are a couple marriages, a couple babies, an engagement, lots of moves and new jobs, and so much more to come. I wasn't teaching them or leading them this time at all. I just sat back and listened a lot and watched and praised the Lord for what He's done in all of us!
Here are a couple quotes from emails sent among all of us.

"I wanted to see where God has brought us from the first day we had been introduced. Do ya'll realize just how far we have come?? We still struggle daily but it seems that we all know who to hang onto."

"I was also very encouraged by all of you, by your commitment to the Lord! He is doing alot in our lives and I pray we continue to keep our hands and hearts open for Him."

I hope the Lord will allow me to continue to grow with groups of women throughout my life, but I don't know if any will ever have my heart like these women!

Jen, me, Jessica, Kali, Ali, Michelle, Christy (Shannon & Megan weren't able to come)

Yes, Karis was there and enjoyed ALL the attention from all her aunts! (she was asleep for the picture!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed our time together, as well. In some respects, living in the Swan Dive seems like yesterday and in others, like the years ago it was! Praying we all continue to grow in our relationships with God and one another.
