Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Potty Training advice

So I guess we're at the beginning of the process with the potty around here. I realize Karis is barely 18 months and I am not in a rush. However, she is showing some signs of readiness. She's talking about the potty a lot, tells us about pee-pee and poo-poo, though I don't think it always coincides with the act of doing it. We borrowed my mom's little potty and Karis asks to sit on it a lot - a few times every day. Last week she pooped on the potty twice and today jumped up from the potty and peed on the floor. So, with the list of her symptoms :), what would any of you suggest? books, materials, when to start training panties (she has been doing pull-ups during the day), should I just let her go gradually b/c she's young or be more intentional now that she's showing signs? I don't want to start too early when she's not really ready, just to go backwards. I would love to hear some tips and stories from my experienced mom friends!


Nicole said...

I have no advice, since we are still fully in diapers over here.
*eyes rolling* E won't even go on the potty for M&Ms...

Robin said...

She sounds like she is doing good. Summer is a great time to potty train! I put Chelsey in training panties and within a week she knew what to because she didn't like the wet feeling of the panties. She also got stickers and/or a treat when she went potty. We used training panties during the day and for a few weeks she wore pull-ups at night. She was staying dry all night, so we just switched over to panties all the time. Made a big deal out of the "pretty girly panties" and she liked that too. She was about the same age as Karis. Karis will do fine, and she'll make a mess too. Go for it!

Unknown said...

Stace, no time today but I'll email you!!!

Dawn S. said...

I potty trained the little girl I took care of years ago (she is 17 now!!) by putting her on the potty every few hours for about 10-15 minutes with a few books...she turned out ok...:)

cameron said...

Oh my gosh - I can't believe I am reading about potty training in your blog!!! That just makes me laugh. My very smart friend is talking about pee pee and poo poo.

advice - Elmo's potty video is really good (you can get it at the library). Also if you are serious, google potty party or potty training in a day.

Fletcher took a while - but first kid, I started around 18 months and it just kept going on. Griffin potty trained himself by 2. Piper refused to go potty until I bribed her with getting a new baby doll - and that was that.

Good luck!

ps - have some dear friends that just moved to MN and are going to Piper's church and love it. Hope you guys are doing well! I have a blog now, too...

cameron said...

hmmm, just realized this posting might have been from Stacey and that Dee might now be obsessed with potty training. In that case, it makes a lot more sense!
Hi Stacey - hope you are doing great!!
By the way - after Piper was sort of potty trained, she pooped in her pants 3 different times while we were at Pottery Barn Kids. I had to keep going to ask them for bags. I think they thought I was shoplifting. She also peed in the middle of the floor at the library. :)