Tuesday, April 21, 2009

5 Things (ok, maybe only 4)

I have a really hard time getting going in the morning. Once I get moving and productive, I'm ok. But there are more days than I would like to admit that it takes me a while to get anything done. I am not a natural self-starter. So maybe if I write this publicly, it will help me. :) (though I know may of you don't read this anymore because I NEVER update it.)

Things I need to do before Karis is up (not necessarily in this order)
1 - get dressed
2 - make my bed
3 - start my cup of coffee
4 - have some time reading/praying with the Lord (even it's just a short time)

Things I would like to do after Karis is up
1 - start a load of laundry
2 - not turn on Good Morning America
3 - clear dishes from sink/dishwasher
4 - have some quiet reading time with Karis during and after breakfast

(and while I'm at it)
Things I would like to do in the evening
1 - make Dee's lunch for the next day
2 - sweep the kitchen floor
3 - take off my makeup
4 - clear dishes from sink/dishwasher

We'll see if this helps me. I can tend to be great at planning, but not so good at following through.
Are there any things in your morning/evening routine that you do consistently?


Lisa said...

I totally feel you on the not a self-starter thing! Natty is getting up earlier these days, but thankfully, she'll stay happy in her crib so that I can: 1. make coffee 2. eat breakfast (I can't nurse if I haven't eaten- I get so hungry the moment I wake up!) 3. pour coffee for Scotty and me. I should include Bible reading in there, but I tend to do it after she's gone down for her morning nap. And now I'm managing the gym two or three times a week while Scotty stays with Natty!

beth said...

Hey Stacey,
I'm working hard to remember to take my vitamins and meds in the mornings. A cup of coffee is easy, and then time in the Word. What I have to be careful of is not to get sucked into email or google reader too early. I'd like to add a short stroll around the garden, picking a flower or just smelling the earth - some outdoor moment in the early part of the day. I do it occasionally but I think getting outside for a bit every day is good for me. That's easier to do in the springtime.

Hope you all are doing well. Did I hear correctly that #2 is on the way?? Around the same time as Baby Clara Olson!

Love to you all,

Unknown said...

yes, beth, i am having #2, another girl. my due date is aug 28, 1 day from little clara's i think. i am doing well & getting excited for her to come! hope you guys are doing well.