Now that I am not working, I am enjoying being at home more & more & more. It really can be a full time job to keep up with everything! I have been working on having a better meal plan every day & being better prepared with shopping and such. This week, I spent one morning for a couple hours, just cooking & the results were wonderful! I want to do more of this & I have really been inspired by Crystal in the blog world ( , , - yes, she writes ALL of these). I get so many ideas from her about saving money, shopping, meal planning, activities for little ones, daily scheduling at home, and recipes! She just had her third baby and did a great job posting about her list of things she baked/cooked ahead to freeze for after the baby's birth. Well, it motivated me!
I ended up making a few dishes and some sweet tea for our community group that night & a couple make-ahead recipes including a triple batch of waffles for the freezer and the beginnings of a quiche for dinner tomorrow night.
The waffles turned out GREAT and the recipe was one of the easier I have seen (which is typical of moneysavingmom, recipes are easy, simple, healthy, & cheap!)
Here are the recipes I used:
WafflesQuicheAnd if you want to look further, here is the
master list that Crystal had for her freezer with lots of links to recipes.
I would really LOVE to get to the point where my freezer is full of meals and such for after Landis comes!