Thursday, March 15, 2007

No TV Day

OK, so I know this sounds so petty and probably reveals a lot about me, but today I didn't turn on the television once. That usually doesn't happen when I am at home all day with no visitors. I don't think I am a TV junkie nor do I spend endless hours in front of it. But admittedly, I usually do have it on either in the morning or afternoon...(sometimes both). It usually starts with watching the news or GMA or Regis & Kelly while I eat breakfast or something while I eat lunch. I am one of those who doesn't like silence. I enjoy music, but when I am just sitting, I don't want to look at nothing. (I know! I know! I could look at a book! And I actually love to read.) And I don't have little ones running around yet...Karis still takes 3-4 naps a day. So it can start with sitting down for a meal and then sometimes it just stays on. Certain days I am around the house doing other things sometimes tuning in and sometimes ignoring it. Other times I find myself at the end of a program seeing what will come on next.
But today was great! Now don't get me wrong I don't think TV is bad or watching it is terrible. I just think I have spent too much time there. So today it didn't come on at all. I really enjoyed the day filled with exercise, playtime with Karis, reading, great conversations with dear friends, catching up on others' lives through blogs and a little cleaning. I do these things on other days as well, but not as much. I spent more time thinking through what I was reading and really seeking the Lord over some issues in my heart. I can see where they say TV has a loose link to ADD. Multitasking can be the death of mental sharpness.
I am not vowing to never watch TV again, (we are pretty big fans of American Idol around here), but I was encouraged today at what can be accomplished mentally, relationally, and spiritually without it!


Michelle said...

Ooh... A little convicting. My problem's not the TV--it's the computer. What could I get done in a day without it turned on?

So glad to see you're posting more these last few days. Love the pics of baby.

beth said...

Hey Stacey,
I'm glad to see you posting some more too and love to see these pictures of Karis. She's adorable.

I can spend a lot of time reading blogs but each day now I tell myself, "No Bible, no blogs." It is convicting to think that I can spend more time reading blogs than I do in the Word. Praise God the he continually prods my heart and draws me to Himself. Oh, how Satan and my flesh throw distractions in the way!

Unknown said...

Beth and Michelle, you know it's funny. I didn't spend any time in front of the TV, but more in front of the computer. I did rationalize it as catching up with friends and not on meaningless entertainment. See, I still have a ways to go!

Unknown said...

This is know I totally relate and I'm glad someone else feels the same need to just "have something going"...whether or not you're watching it. That's my main thing. I'm usually up doing stuff and rarely sit down long enough for an entire show, but I've realized how much more mentally and spiritually rested I feel when it's not on. I guess because my heart isn't cringing every 20 sec because of the constant feeling that I should just turn it off. Why do I do this again?!?

Melanie said...

Stacey - It's good to see picks of little Karis. She's a doll! I had to make a committment to myself about the whole TV watching thing while at home, too. It's amazing how much you DON'T get done with it on. The computer is another distraction I need to work on, like the other ladies have said. God always shows us what we can do better in our lives. I hear Him speaking to me more when there is silence in the house.

Unknown said...

I will add my thanks for the more frequent updates!! I can't wait to see Karis in person.
My problem is the computer, too! Recently I've been trying to clock-watch while I'm on.
If you can win the battle with the TV early, praise the Lord. I didn't really "win" it until my kids were old enough to be my accountability. Now I look back and think about all that time I wasted. I thought I was still getting things done, but my mind was constantly distracted. And it made me so tired to have it on all day. Silence (or music) is really nourishing.