Tuesday, March 06, 2007


1. If I don’t get out of my pajamas until 2:00
2. That the kitchen floor needs to be mopped, the furniture is dusty, I need to clean the bathrooms, and the laundry is piling up
3. When I’m having a bad hair day
4. When we are late to appointments
5. That we’re almost out of toilet paper
6. That the dogs bark…a lot!
7. If I don’t know what we’re having for dinner
8. My to do list
9. That we have NO money!
10. The future

She really cares about right now…if her tummy is full (of milk, not gas!), her bottom is clean and dry, her sleep is adequate, and if Mommy and Daddy are paying attention to her, giving her love and hugs and kisses, knowing that they will take care of the future.

Why can’t I be more like her? My only concern being that my present needs are more than taken care of and I have my Daddy’s full attention and He will take care of the future…the next moment, the next day, the next bank statement, and the next year.

At 3 months, that little girl can teach me a lot!


meghann said...

I guess we are all learning what it means to have ''faith like a child''. I'm learning that God can use anyone, even our little babies to teach us what He meant by that! Praise God.

Unknown said...

You know, I've never thought about that! Maybe because Isaiah is constantly going to do the next thing (like his mommy). I need to slow down and think more than just react. Thanks for sharing this, sister. It encourages me to have someone next to me in the trenches.

Unknown said...

And thanks for a new post!!!